Sunday, May 13, 2007

What did Hollywood think were the root causes of Terrorism before 9/11

Not that I think movies ought to influence our foreign policy, but amongst those who know me best, I'm a well-known fan of Ed Zwick's movie THE SIEGE and I enjoy watching it to see what Hollywood thought about terorrism before 9/11.

Watching it last night I was struck by the motives of the main villain, who reveals himself as the leader of the terrorist cell in New York City in the final scene.

What's his beef? I'll let him tell it in his own words...

"You left us there, in Iraq, like a piece of shit!"

This was set up earlier... Annette Bening points out that she was working for the CIA during Gulf War 1, where she was in charge of training and supporting the rebels we'd hoped would take out Saddam after we left Kuwait.

Well, it didn't happen that way, and they were slaughtered after we withdrew our support, and those who survived were pretty pissed off about it.

We're facing that in a much less dramatic way in Iraq today, with much of the moderate populace afraid to step up and assist the coalition because they were left hanging back in 1991, and are afraid it will happen again this time.

I'm surprised that now one seems to think that leaving them to hang again 16 years later, won't result in a much nastier long-term affect this time around.

Hollywood certainly seemed to think so when they made THE SIEGE.

I wonder what they think has changed since then?

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